
*Lector Ministry

Mission: The lector proclaims the Scripture readings used in the Liturgy of the Word from the official, liturgical book called “LECTIONARY”

Goal: Scripture is the living Word of God. As Lectors of St. Joseph’s Cathedral or St. Philomena’s Church we will proclaim the Word of God by engaging the hearts and minds of parishioners and bringing the various elements of the Liturgy of the Word into harmony so that Christ speaks to the assembly fully, consciously, and actively through each Lector.

Activities:       • Input sessions are conducted regularly to train the Readers

  • Regular meetings are organized for the Coordinators

Coordinators Role

  1. To be the coordinator for the liturgy of the Word for the respective mass.
  2. To allot the readers for the masses in charge. The readers contact number and Email ID will be given from the Parish office.
  3. Choir members of that particular mass should not be appointed for the reading. This is to have overall participation
  4. Once you allot the readers for the month you must report to the parish office and give a copy to the sacristan as well.
  5. If the reader is absent twice when allotted without prior permission, there are removed from the readers’ list.
  6. Regarding the allotment:
  7. The readers must not be repeated for the following Sunday.
  8. The three readers for a mass must not be from the same family.
  9. The first preference should be for the parishioners.
  10. For the feast days & Solemnities
  11. Taking into account the responsibility, decorum, clarity of words and regularity they will be allotted for the feast masses.

Reader’s Role and Responsibilities

  1. Readers must be present 15 min before the mass and report to the sacristan and put your signature.
  2. Readers must wear the sash first & make a prayer before the entrance procession as specified at the vestment area.
  3. Readers must make a deep bow before the altar
  4. a) During the entrance procession
  5. b) Before and after the reading
  6. At the end of the reading, the reader must say, after a pause, “The Word of the Lord” and not “This is the word of God”.
  7. One should not say, First Reading or Second reading, or the theme line.
  8. Be modest in your dressing as you are taking the responsibility to read the word of God & as you are entering the sanctuary.
  9. If the reader is absent for twice when allotted, without prior permission, there are removed from the list.
  10. There shall be a SMS reminder from the parish office on Monday and a call reminder from your coordinator on Friday.
  11. Following the rules & regulations mentioned above you are keeping the liturgical decorum and giving due honor to God.