

  1. To collaborate with the parish Priest in pastoral ministry truly effective and in giving pastoral direction to the Parish.
  2. To ensure that the missions of Jesus is lived out in the Parish community.
  3. To share with Parish Priest the responsibility for the steady, harmonious and integrated growth of the Parish into a community of faith, hope and mission.

MEETINGS: The Council meets on the third Sunday of every month at 4:30 p.m. in the Sanmitra Hall. The holding of the meeting is announced in the Church a week earlier in the Sunday Masses as well as posted on the Parish Whatsapp group.


Chairman of the Council: Rev. Fr. Staney D’Almeida, Parish Priest.

Ex-officio Members: All the Assistant Parish Priests and Deacons, namely,

  1. Rev. Fr. Peter Balaswamy, Cssr, Asst. Parish Priest
  2. Rev. Fr. John Paul, Asst. Parish Priest
  3. Br. Adarsh Y., OFM, Deacon
  4. Br. Cyril Selva Kumar, Deacon

Representatives of ten religious communities in the Parish

  1. Good Shepherd Convent
  2. Missionary Sisters of Mother Mary Convent (MSMM)
  3. Ursuline Sisters of Somasca Convent (USS)
  4. Petraniketan Convent (DSS)
  5. Avila Convent (CSST)
  6. St. Anne’s Convent (SAB)
  7. Franciscan Sisters of Little Hampton (FMSL)
  8. Little Sisters of the Poor (LSP)
  9. Sisters of Sacred Sciences (SSS)
  10. Disciples of the Divine Saviour (DDS)

Nominated Members: The Parish is divided into a member of Wards, based on geographical area, and each ward is represented by a member.